26 Dicembre 2024
The Legislative Decree 231/2001 introduced into the Italian legal system the regime of administrative liability for entities, for certain crimes committed in their interest or to their advantage, by persons holding top positions or by persons subject to their management or supervision.

In order to ensure the prevention of the crimes contemplated in the Decree and sensitive to the need to ensure conditions of correctness and transparency in the conduct of business and corporate activities undertaken by the management, corporate bodies, employees, collaborators and all those who in any capacity operate with the Company itself, for the purposes of preventing illicit acts, as well as with a view to protecting its position and image and the expectations of its stakeholders and its employees, Planet Pellami Italia Srl has adopted its own Organization Model , Management and Control and a Code of Ethics which is an integral and substantial part of it approved by the Board of Directors on 08.31.2023, in the same meeting Planet Pellami Italia also appointed a Supervisory Body (ODV) with a monocratic composition, with the task of supervising the functioning and adequacy of the Model adopted by the Company.

Any information relating to the commission of offenses and any violations of Model 231 or of the Code of Ethics, as well as any other relevant violation pursuant to Legislative Decree, may be reported to this Body. n. 24/2023 on Whistleblowing, to the following alternative channels:

  • Postal mail:

    Supervisory Body of Planet Pellami Italia Srl
    Viale dell'Industria, n. 87/89 - 56022 - Catelfranco di Sotto (PI).
    With the indication of the words "To the Supervisory Body-CONFIDENTIAL".

  • Email address: odvplanetpellami@libero.it

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